Thursday, March 03, 2005

What Kids Want to Invent

This is kind of a cute article from The Flint Journal, where kids discuss what they would like to invent. Although there may be some patentability issues with many of these inventions, it's a humorous read. The top picks seem to be money, homework, and chores machines/robots, but there are some gems:
Sarah Doty, 7 I would invent a bird that makes my bed and does my chores.

Jaycie Montney, 8 My invention is Popsicle's that don't melt. Take juices and put it in liquid nitrogen. It will last for a week and a half, or more.

Andrea Clark, 6 I'd like to invent a big bouncy bubble. That has a door that goes into it, and it has a lock on the inside. The lock is so you don't fall out. It would bounce really high!

Chelsea Schwerin, 8 Wow! I'm an inventor! If I could invent something, I would invent a friend detector. I would invent it so that if you needed a friend, you could go to places and figure out which people are nice and which are mean and find a friend.

Ta'Nia Barnes, 11 I would like to invent a machine that would stop people from killing people and a machine that would help everybody have an education and a job.

Timothy Waite, 7 If I invented a machine, it would turn us small. I could buy me and everyone toys. I like toys.

Derrick Miller, 12 I'd like to invent a machine that would make cool clothes. The clothes would not only be cool but awesome, too.

Nick Bednark, 7 If I could build an invention, I would rebuild the Titanic. It would be 100 times thicker than last time. It would have a two-way radio and 100 lifeboats. Workers on my Titanic would be trained to go in the lifeboats. There would also be motors on the lifeboats.

Adam Bartholomew, 7 I would invent a toy that had the head of a toy camel. Also, it would have the body of a toy army man. Also, the toy would have the legs and tail of a Siberian tiger.

Wade Tinnin, 11 I'd like to invent a machine that makes hamsters. It will make hamsters so my mom will let me get one. She said I have to buy it myself. So if I had a hamster machine, I could get one for free.


Anonymous said...

I would invent a beeper system that would hook up to a remote so when you pressed a button on the tv that would make the remote start to beep and the only way to stop the beeping would be to press a button on the remote. The reason i thought of this is because if you lost your remote you wouln't have to go look for you would know where it was in seconds.

Anonymous said...

i would inven apair of shoes that a type of ski on the bottom of them that couldgo over any type of terrien like: snow, sand dunes, water, air for sky diving, and under water they could act like flipers. The reason i thought of this is becausei woldn't want to go out and buy all the differn't skis and flipers and thigs.